#ActForHeritage: Second Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Forum

Second Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Forum #ActForHeritage returns to Kyiv!

From May 30-31, ENGAGE is hosting the Second Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Forum #ActForHeritage in Kyiv. The event is designed to establish and bolster a platform for dialogue on the preservation and protection of Ukrainian cultural heritage among civil society, government bodies, the cultural expert community, and international donor organizations.

The Forum will underscore the vital role of communities in safeguarding and restoring heritage and highlight the role of education, culture, and security as integral elements of effective policies aimed at protecting cultural heritage. 

“Russia’s war against Ukraine targets the very essence of Ukrainian identity, seeking to destroy Ukrainian culture and erase its rich heritage. Passionate about nurturing civic engagement, we know civic activists play a heroic role in protecting Ukraine’s cultural gems. Our joint annual Forum, now hosted the second time in a row, is a testament that Ukraine is vital to a culturally diverse Europe, which is whole, prosperous, and free of aggression and violence.” says Roland Kovats, Chief of Party at USAID/ENGAGE.

Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Forum #ActForHeritage, Kyiv, 2023

For two days, the Ukrainian experts and their European counterparts will discuss a range of topics, including:

  • Strategies and initiatives aimed at combating crimes against cultural heritage, drawing insights from European practices.
  • The pivotal role of cultural heritage in post-war reconstruction efforts, identity preservation, and fostering community resilience.
  • Role of cultural heritage as a diplomatic tool for fostering international collaboration, mutual understanding, and enhancing diplomatic relations.
  • Significance of education in heritage preservation, including integrating heritage preservation into educational curricula and developing professional training to ensure the preservation, restoration, and effective management of heritage assets.
  • Legislation, reforms, and regulatory changes necessary to align Ukraine’s cultural heritage sector with EU standards and requirements.
  • Role of communities in safeguarding intangible heritage, examining their involvement in protecting both tangible and intangible heritage domains within their regions.
  • Experience of projects and initiatives supported by international donors aimed at preserving and promoting Ukrainian cultural heritage.

The Forum will also host Ukraine in Miniature exhibition featuring 3D-printed models of the significant Ukrainian cultural and historical sites, including those damaged as the result of Russia’s aggression. These miniature replicas accompanied by a VR tour will offer Forum participant an immersive experience enabling them to explore and interact with the rich variety of Ukraine’s cultural heritage.

Read the full agenda of the Forum

Forum Agenda


Forum Speakers Include:

List of the speakers participated at the Forum can be found by the link:


The online broadcast will be available on the USAID/ENGAGE Facebook page

Follow the event on Facebook

Organizers: USAID/ENGAGE activity, which is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by Pact in Ukraine, in partnership with Ministry of Culture and Information Policy, UNESCO Desk in Ukraine, Ukrainian Institute, House of Europe.

Watch the video to learn more about the 2023 Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Forum #ActForHeritage.

All photos from Forum are available via the link:
