Request for Quotation (RFQ) for Health Insurance Services for Pact

Title: Health Insurance Services for Pact
Number: P4767-2024-20
Date of Issuance: August 1, 2024
Due Date for Questions: ongoing
Closing Date: August 11, 2024
Estimated Award Date: September 2024

A. Introduction

Pact is an International NGO with offices throughout the world with a mission to enable systematic solutions that allow those who are poor and marginalized to earn a dignified living, be healthy and take part in the benefits that nature provides. Pact accomplishes this by strengthening local capacity, forging effective governance systems and transforming markets into a force for development.

With this RFQ, Pact seeks to procure health insurance services for its Ukraine country office employees for the period of October 1, 2024 – September 30, 2025.
This tender is conducted with the participation of the insurance broker “Risk & Life Consulting”, so if you have any questions during the preparation of the proposal, please contact Yaroslav Kyryliv, director of Risk & Life Consulting Ltd., by e-mail with a copy to All requests and clarifications will be sent in writing in a convenient way for you. Please refrain from making phone calls or personal visits.

B. Requirement/ Technical Specifications

Please submit your quotation for provision of the services described below.
1. Health insurance coverage from October 1, 2024, till September 30, 2025.
2. Providing ongoing health insurance services for Pact’s Ukraine Country Office staff and their children (approx. 111 adults and 51 children).
3. Services must cover the whole territory of Ukraine controlled by the Ukrainian Government.

C. Eligibility

To be considered for award, vendors must be currently legally operating in Ukraine.
The quotation must include the following information:
• Ability to meet or exceed the Requirements/Technical Specifications outlined in Section B.
• Ability to deliver the items/services specified in Section B no later than the date(s) required.

D. Submission Instructions

Submissions must be forwarded in electronic format only in PDF and Excel to by 6:00 PM on August 11, 2024 (Kyiv time). Please reference the RFQ Number (and RFQ Name in the e-mail subject line.
Quotations received after that time or at a different address may not be accepted.
Proposals submitted through hard copy will not be considered.

Quotes must contain:
1. A completed quote cover sheet (Attachment 1). The cover sheet must be on the official letterhead with the authorized representative’s signature and stamp.
2. Complex program of voluntary health insurance (Attachment 2).
3. A copy of registration or incorporation in the public registry, or equivalent document from the government office where the Vendor is registered, copy of company tax registration, or equivalent document (if available).
4. License to carry out insurance activities under Voluntary Health Insurance.
5. Proof of the signatory’s authorization.
6. Reference letters or other proof of relevant experience. Specifications of the services offered in Section C should be fully addressed.
7. Template of the agreement with the annexes (list of the clinics, list of exceptions, etc.).

The following information to be included by vendor in quotation:
1. All documentations must be in the Ukrainian or English Language.
2. Quotations should be submitted using the templates attached.
3. Quoted price in for each item or service specified in UAH.
4. Since Pact implements the international technical aid project, the offerors who are VAT payers should indicate their agreement to comply with the VAT exemption proceedings.
5. All quotations and delivery dates shall be valid for a period of at least thirty (30) days following the submission due date mentioned above.
6. Payment Term: Pact’s preferred payment terms is 30 days after receipt and acceptance of goods or services.
7. Quotations should indicate delivery duration to start the services provision after the contract issuance.
8. Quotations should not contain any unnecessary promotional material or elaborate presentation formats (black and white is preferred). Vendors must not submit zipped files. Those pages requiring original manual signatures should be scanned and sent in PDF format as an email attachment.

E. Evaluation Criteria

Pact will award a contract resulting from this solicitation to the responsible vendor based on the following Best Value evaluation method using the following evaluation criteria:
• Past performance (30 points)
• Technical capability of the item offered to meet Pact’s requirements (40 points)
• Price (30 points)

The detailed description of the criteria:

F. Terms and Conditions

• Pact reserves the right to modify by written notice the terms of this solicitation at any time in its sole discretion. Pact may cancel the solicitation at any time
• Pact may reject any or all proposals received.
• Issuance of solicitation does not constitute award commitment by Pact.
• Pact reserves the right to disqualify any quotation based on vendor’s failure to follow solicitation instructions.
• Pact will not compensate vendors for their response to the solicitation.
• Pact reserves the right to issue an agreement based on initial evaluation of quotes without further discussion.
• Pact may choose to award only part of the scope of services in the solicitation or to issue multiple agreements within the scope of services.
• Pact reserves the right to waive minor proposal deficiencies that can be corrected prior to award determination to promote competition.
• Pact may contact vendors to confirm contact person, address, and that the proposal was submitted for this solicitation.
• Pact may contact listed past performance references without notice to the vendor. Pact also reserves the right to contact other past performance information sources that the vendor did not list in the proposal.
• By submitting a proposal, the vendor confirms they understand the terms and conditions.
• Information pertaining to and obtained from the vendor as a result of participation in this solicitation is confidential. The vendor consents to the disclosure of the documents submitted by the vendor to the reviewers involved in the selection process. Please note that all reviewers are bound by non-disclosure agreements.
• The resultant award will be governed by Pact’s standard terms and conditions and any applicable funder requirements. 