Two years on: how to tell Ukraine’s story (more) broadly, differently, strategically?

USAID/ENGAGE program conducted an analysis of strategic communication narratives about Ukraine to identify the most effective methods for expanding international support. 

The achievements of Ukraine’s strategic communications are undeniable. However, as the full-scale war drags on, it has become increasingly challenging for Ukraine to maintain a high level of international attention, solidarity, and support. 

Periodic high-profile corruption scandals, internal political conflicts, slow progress on the front lines, and decreasing trust among citizens in the Ukrainian government are undermining the nation’s international image among partners and allies. Additionally, global events such as the Israel – Gaza conflict have diverted attention away from Ukraine among international media, civil society, and decision-makers. 

As maintaining the current level of international support is crucial for Ukraine’s independent and democratic future, creating StratComm 2.0 to tell Ukraine’s story is of the utmost importance. 

To support efforts in strategic communication about Ukraine, we will examine some of the success factors in communications to date, identify challenges and gaps, and consider important aspects for enhancing these efforts.