Civil society news, October 16

Ukrainian civil society remains dedicated to advancing European integration and safeguarding democratic values. A crucial element in achieving these goals is the public’s trust in the state and social institutions. 

In this edition, we will highlight the institutions Ukrainians trust the most today. We also cover the International Cultural Diplomacy Forum and discuss the emerging threats to Ukraine’s information security. 

Read on to stay informed about the latest developments in Ukrainian civil society! 

Ukrainian citizens continue to express trust in social institutions. According to a survey by the Razumkov Center, titled “Assessment of the Situation in the Country, Trust in Social Institutions, Politicians, Belief in Victory, and Attitude Toward Elections,” Ukrainians place the highest trust in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, with 91,5%. Other institutions with high levels of trust include the State Emergency Service (83.1%), volunteer organizations (80.3%), volunteer battalions (79.5%), the National Guard (74.4%), and civil society organizations (58.8%). 

Civil society news

USAID/ENGAGE Partner Hosts Cultural Diplomacy Forum 

On October 8, with our support, the Ukrainian Institute held its 2024 International Cultural Diplomacy Forum. The Forum brought together government and civil society representatives and various cultural figures. Among the keynote speakers were USAID Ukraine Mission Director Julie Konen, First Lady of Ukraine Olena Zelenska, and Foreign Minister Andriy Sybiha. Throughout the day, Ukrainian and international experts discussed the current challenges and opportunities for cultural diplomacy in the face of global changes, methods of cultural decolonization, and the fight against Russia’s disinformation. Attendees also had the opportunity to view part of our “Ukraine in Miniature” exhibition, which highlights the importance of preserving cultural heritage. 

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USAID/ENGAGE Partner Highlights Information Security Threats in Ukraine 

On October 9, the Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation held a briefing on “ Trends in Information Space of Ukraine: Main Challenges and Threats in the Third Quarter of 2024.” During the event, Taras Zhovtenko, Acting Executive Director of the Foundation, and Artem Bidenko, Executive Director of the Institute of Information Security, analyzed changes in the dynamics and threats in Ukraine’s information environment. The participants concluded that, having nearly lost its influence over Ukraine, Russia’s propaganda has shifted its focus to a global audience. Experts also highlighted the active use of artificial intelligence tools by Russia’s propagandists. 

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Transparency International Ukraine Highlights 10 Years of Ukraine’s Fight Against Corruption 

On October 9, Transparency International Ukraine published the report “Ten Years of Fighting Corruption: Achievements and Challenges Facing Ukraine.” The report analyzes how Ukraine has implemented anti-corruption reforms over the past decade and the obstacles and challenges hindering full European integration. The authors note that, despite active military conflict and resistance to Russia’s aggression, Ukraine continues to make progress in democratic reforms and strengthening the rule of law. 

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USAID/ENGAGE Partner Analyzes Self-Identity and Values of Kherson Residents

On October 8, the Community Foundation of Kherson “Zakhyst” presented a survey of residents regarding their self-identity and value orientations. The survey revealed that 74% of respondents rate democracy in Ukraine as average or higher, giving it over 5 points on a 10-point scale. Additionally, residents feel equally involved in the future of both the country and the city: 20-21% feel highly engaged, while 54-56% feel somewhat engaged in the development of both. 

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USAID/ENGAGE Partners Create OSINT Research Online Course 

On October 10, the Prometeus platform opened registration for a new free online course, titled “OSINT – Open-Source Intelligence and Information Security.” Developed by our partners, the Anti-Corruption Action Center and the analytical platform VoxUkraine, the course teaches participants how to gather, analyze, and use data from open sources such as social media and government registers. Additionally, it will focus on identifying information threats and detecting disinformation. The course is scheduled to begin on October 18, 2024. 

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What we read

Rule of law, justice, and fundamental rights in Ukraine: Shadow report 2024

Ukraine is steadily continuing its implementation of necessary reforms on its path to European Union membership.

The Shadow Report “Rule of Law, Justice, and Fundamental Rights in Ukraine” provides an independent assessment by Ukrainian civil society of the country’s progress in the areas of judiciary and anti-corruption, as well as the protection of fundamental rights and justice. The authors also offer recommendations and outline the new challenges Ukraine faces in its efforts toward European integration.

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