Civil society news, August 28

In these challenging times for the country, the Ukrainian people continue to steadfastly support each other and unite for victory. In this issue, we explore how Ukrainians are rallying together during the war, the integration of the Rome Statute into Ukrainian law, and the international advocacy efforts of our partners. 

Read on to stay informed about the latest news from Ukrainian civil society! 

The war has significantly unified many Ukrainians, with 69% of citizens believing that society has grown more cohesive during the full-scale conflict. According to a survey conducted by the Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation, 71% of respondents have participated in volunteer efforts to support the military, displaced persons, or those affected by the war since the invasion began.

Civil society news

Ukrainian Parliament Ratifies Rome Statute After Decade-Long Advocacy by USAID/ENGAGE Partner 

On August 21, the Ukrainian Parliament ratified the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. This milestone was achieved following a decade of persistent advocacy by the Center for Civil Liberties, which actively pushed for aligning Ukrainian legislation with international standards. Despite the ratification, the Center will continue its advocacy efforts to ensure full integration of the Rome Statute’s provisions into Ukrainian law. 

Additionally, On August 28, the Center for Civil Liberties will host a human rights club meeting titled “Implementation of the Rome Statute: Key Challenges and Issues.” Participants will discuss how Ukraine’s ratification of the Rome Statute will impact justice for international crimes.  

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USAID/ENGAGE Partner to Advocate for Ukraine’s Victory at GLOBSEC Forum in Prague  

From August 30 to September 1, the International Center for Ukrainian Victory (ICUV) will participate in GLOBSEC international security forum in Prague, Czech Republic. ICUV will host a side event titled “Coalition of Willing – Why Justice is the Only Way Towards Sustainable Peace” and will engage with international organizations and high-level officials to advocate for Ukraine’s swift victory and the confiscation of frozen Russian assets.

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What we read

Pride, Independence, and Unity During the War: Public Opinion Poll 

The USAID/ENGAGE partner, the Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation, conducted a public opinion survey on Ukrainian statehood and independence. According to the survey, a significant majority of Ukrainians take pride in being citizens of Ukraine, and 86% plan to build their future in the country. Also, 61% of respondents view the country’s future with hope. 

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