Public Opinion Research in Ukraine (June – July 2019): Civil Activism and Attitudes to Reform

The National Civic Engagement Poll is conducted under the framework of the Enhance Non-Governmental Actors and Grassroots Engagement activity (USAID/ENGAGE), implemented by Pact. This report summarizes key takeaways from the poll, drawing from survey data collected in the of summer 2019.

The survey gauges citizen awareness and engagement in civil society activities and citizens’ participation in and perception of reform processes in Ukraine. During the most recent survey, respondents were also asked questions that measure their level of civic literacy and citizens’ attitudes towards diversity.

The last data collection for the USAID/ENGAGE Civic Engagement Poll was conducted by the research agency Info Sapiens, during June-July 2019. Field interviews were conducted with Ukrainian residents aged 18 years and older, face-to-face, in the respondents’ homes. The survey sampled 2,054 respondents and was designed in accordance with the distribution of the adult population of Ukraine by age, sex, oblast and settlement type (excluding Crimea and non-governmental controlled regions of the Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts). The margin of error of the sample is 2.2% (excluding the design effect).

The survey’s data and charts are available can be downloaded by registered website users.

Citizen engagement is low, but awareness of and interest in participation is a cause for optimism.

Civic literacy is growing but citizens are not fully knowledgeable about their right to free assembly.

The National Exit Poll is the most recognized civil society initiative for the first time.

Almost half of citizens are ready to donate to a civil society organization.

Ukrainians are becoming impatient in expecting reforms to take root.

One in three Ukrainians has a negative attitude towards diversity and citizens are divided over their readiness to support discriminated groups.

The environment is perceived to be a local-level problem rather than a countrywide problem.

The new President is trusted in the fight against corruption.

This survey summary was prepared by Pact as part of the USAID/ENGAGE activity, which is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents of this survey summary are the sole responsibility of Pact and its implementing partners and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.