Amplifying Ukraine’s Voice Abroad: USAID/ENGAGE Hosts Special Event at Xth Lviv Media Forum

On May 16, USAID/ENGAGE hosted a Special Event titled “Crafting the Message: Amplifying Ukraine’s Voice Abroad” at Xth Lviv Media Forum.  

The event adopted a panel discussion and world café format, providing a platform for civil society representatives to exchange insights and experiences gained from international communications. Additionally, they discovered key challenges and strategies aimed at efficiently conveying information about Ukraine to global audiences.  

“In USAID/ENGAGE, we prioritize empowering our partners to enhance Ukraine’s global voice, amplifying its messages abroad. Our special event serves as a pivotal platform for civil society organizations to refine strategic communications strategies and exchange insights on effectively articulating Ukraine’s narrative on the global stage, thereby fostering greater international support and advancing Ukraine towards victory,” emphasizes Victoria Cherevko, Senior Program Officer at USAID/ENGAGE. 

The panel discussion participants emphasized key challenges, including the imperative to synchronize efforts among all stakeholders advocating for Ukraine’s global interests. Furthermore, they underscored the importance of understanding the specifics and backgrounds of each region, emphasizing the need for professionally trained and informed representatives engaging in international communication on behalf of the state.  

“Our efficacy on the global stage is determined by our capacity within the country to define, unite, and form a national team,” says Hanna Hopko, co-founder of the International Center for Ukrainian Victory (ICUV). 

Participants also emphasized the significance of employing ‘soft diplomacy,’ such as promotion of culture and sports, as effective communication tools on the global platform. 

“Cultural events hold huge potential in garnering additional support for Ukraine. Our research and experience demonstrate that ‘soft diplomacy’ techniques are highly effective, facilitating communication even in countries less favorable or skeptical towards Ukraine. Therefore, advancing cultural, sporting, and related initiatives on the global stage presents an excellent avenue for engaging new audiences in supporting Ukraine,” believes Petro Darmoris, Head of the PR team of Brand Ukraine. 

Watch the full video of panel discussion: